Tuesday, December 7 / 8:00 - 9:30 UTC

Session 55
Life Course Approaches to the Transition to Adulthood

Chair: Ann Evans, Australian National University

1. Gender Dynamics of Adulthood Transitions for Early School Leavers: A case of Indian YouthsTapan Kumar Chakrabarty, North Eastern Hill University; Jayanta Deb, North Eastern Hill University.

2. Early life course decisions of Central and Eastern Europeans: a gendered connection between family formation and moving intentions?Vytenis Juozas Deimantas, Netherlands Interdisciplinary demographic Institute.

3. Migration experience and school-to-work transition in a post-communist setting. A sequence analysisMadalina-Elena Manea, Research Institute for the Quality of Life, Romanian Academy.

4. The transition to adulthood of Russian migrants in Estonia – An origin-destination comparisonKatrin Schwanitz, University of Turku.

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