The Lagging Fertility Transition in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Structural Change •
Nicolas Büttner, University of Passau;
Michael Grimm, University of Passau;
Isabel Günther, ETH Zürich;
Kenneth Harttgen, ETH Zurich;
Stephan Klasen, University of Göttingen.
Youth wellbeing and demographic dividend: evidence from
Asia’s newest nation - Timor-Leste •
Udoy Saikia, Flinders University;
Gouranga Dasvarma, Flinders University;
James Chalmers, Lecturer;
Merve Hosgelen, Research Scholar.
Savings and the Demographic Dividend: Evidence from a Macrosimulation Model •
Joshua K. Wilde, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR);
Mahesh Karra, Boston University.