
Living Arrangement, Social Positioning (security), and Economic Conditions of the Elderly in India

Angad Singh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Dipti Govil, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

Objective- We want to analyze the living arrangement, social positioning, and economic conditions of the elderly in India, taking the potential socio-economic and demographic factors. Methods- The LASI wave-1 provides the national representative data on living arrangements, social positioning, and other vital indicators for the elderly aged 45 and above. We have used bivariate and multivariate analysis to access potential factors. Results- The percentage of older people living alone were positively associated with their age. In rural areas, 3.85% of older adults live alone, were in urban areas 2.32% of people living alone in urban areas. Older adults aged 70 and above are more likely to receive financial support than other age groups of older adults. Older adults who live with children without a spouse are more likely to provide financial support to family and friends. Bihar is the top state where a maximum of 27.66% of the elderly receives financial supports. Conclusion - This study concludes that as age increases, the chances of living alone are increased exponentially. Widows, females, the wealthiest persons, and people living in rural areas had higher chances to live alone. As age increases, people depend on financial support from others.

Keywords: Demographic and social surveys, Population ageing, Family demography, Older adults

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session P12.