Tuesday, December 7 / 13:00 - 14:30 UTC

Poster Session 8

42. FACTEURS ASSOCIES A LA PERSISTANCE DES MUTILATIONS GENITALES FEMININES (MGF) AU NORD BENINAlphonse Mingnimon Affo, Université Abomey Calavi; Justin Dansou, Université de Parakou; Pacôme Acotchéou, Institut Régional de Santé Publique (IRSP); Jacques Saizonou, Institut régional de Santé Publique, Université d'Abomey-Calavi (IRSP/UAC).

43. Potency of religious influence on sexual infidelity among women and men in union in Ghana and NigeriaOnipede Wusu, Lagos State University.

44. Reducing maternal mortality due to unsafe abortion: the Ghana paradoxSamuel Antobam, Private Consultant; Ebo Essilfie-Amoah, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

45. What explains the Rural-Urban Gap in Use of Hygienic Methods of Menstrual Protection among Youth in the East Indian State of Bihar?Barsharani Maharana, K J Somaiya Institute of Management, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai, India.

46. Experiences of intimate partner violence among same-sex partners in South Africa: what is the role of age-disparity?Nicole De Wet- Billings, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg; Brendon Billings, University of the Witwatersrand.

47. Gender differences in time allocation to paid and unpaid work: Evidence from Urban Guatemala, 2000-2014Ilya Espino, Independent Consultant; Ana Hermeto, Cedeplar, UFMG; Luciana Luz, Cedeplar/Ufmg.

48. Change of socioeconomic status and inequity in maternal health care in Bangladesh: Implication for developing countriesM Sheikh Giash Uddin, Jagannath University; Mohammed Ahsanul Alam, Government of Bangladesh.

49. Perception about men’s need for preconception care among stakeholders in Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria – a qualitative studyOludoyinmola O. Ojifinni, School of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand; Latifat Ibisomi, Wits University.

49. Measuring cognitive and psychosocial accessibility to modern contraception: A comprehensive frameworkMoussa Zan, ISSP; Clémentine Rossier, University of Geneva, Institute of demography and Socioeconomics.

50. Determinants of sexual communication between adolescents and their parents in the Adaklu district of the Volta Region, Ghana: A multinomial logistic regression analysisDesmond Klu, Institute of Health Research, University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ghana; Percival Agordoh, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, School of Allied Health Sciences, University of Health and Allied Sciences; Charles Azagba, Adaklu District Health Directorate, Ghana Health Service; Margaret Gyapong, Institute of Health Research, University of Health and Allied Sciences; Evelyn Ansah, Institute of Health Research, University of Health and Allied Sciences; Anthony Ofosu, Ghana Health Service.

51. Do income inequality and women empowerment predict obesity in Latin American cities?Natalia Tumas, Pompeu Fabra University; Cecilia Anza Ramírez, CRONICAS Centre of Excellence in Chronic Diseases, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Peru.; Mariana Carvalho de Menezes, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brazil.; Mónica Mazariegos, Instituto de Nutrición de Centro América y Panamá (INCAP), Guatemala.; Kari Moore, Dornsife School of Public Health, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA.; Ana Ortigoza, Dornsife School of Public Health, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA.; Carolina Pérez Ferrer, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, Mexico.; Santiago Rodríguez López, CIECS, CONICET and Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.; Olga Sarmiento, Universidad de los Andes; Joan Benach, Pompeu Fabra University; Mariana Lazo, Dornsife School of Public Health, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA..

52. Household wealth relative to community wealth: Associations with maternal and reproductive healthSara Riese, ICF Macro; William Winfrey, Avenir Health.

53. Textes réglementaires actuels en matière de planification familiale au Niger et protection des prestataires de services de santé de reproduction et des clients jeunes et adolescentsSalissou Malam Souley, Grade Africa; Abdoul-Moumouni Nouhou, Groupe de Recherche et d'Action pour le Développement (GRADE Africa); Balki Ibrahim Agali, GRADE AFRICA.

54. Hysterectomy and its associative factors among women aged 40 and above in IndiaChandrima Paul, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS); Manali Swargiary, international Institute for Population Sciences; Sampurna Kundu, Jawaharlal Nehru University.

55. Severe maternal morbidity in Brazil: analysis of the incidence of maternal near miss, for the federation units, in the period between 2010 and 2019Michelle Ferreira, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG); Raquel Coutinho, CEDEPLAR - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; Bernardo L. Queiroz, Universidade Federal De Minas Gerais.

56. Age at First Marriage in India: A history of 25 yearsMayank Singh, Kle University.

57. Maternal health care and reproductive behaviour of Child brides in India; Evidences from cross-sectional study of a nationally representative sampleJyoti Das, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS); Kailash Chandra Das, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS).

58. Depression among sexual minorities: A mix-methods study in Minas Gerais – BrazilSamuel Araujo Gomes Da Silva, Demography Department, Cedeplar, UFMG; Paula Miranda-Ribeiro, Cedeplar, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG); Kenya V. Noronha, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG); Gilvan R. Guedes, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais & Indiana University.

60. THE INTERSECTIONAL EFFECT OF GENDER AND RACE ON OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY OF MIGRANTS AND NON-MIGRANTS FROM NORTHEAST BRAZILFrancisco Rodrigues, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte; Luana Myrrha, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte; Járvis Campos, UFRN.

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