Tuesday, December 7 / 22:00 - 23:30 UTC

Session 88
Demographic Trends: Estimates and Projections

Chair: Vladimir Canudas-Romo, Australian National University

1. Global Population Change & Economic Convergence of World Countries: Meaning and Implications for Global InequalityParfait Eloundou Enyegue, Cornell University; Sarah Giroux, Cornell University; Mila Cantar, Cornell University; Shoshanna Hoover, Cornell University; Kristie Lebeau, Cornell University; Kimberly Pollock, Cornell University; Clara Rice, Cornell University; Jenna Shelton, Cornell University; Michael Zhang, Cornell University.

2. Bayesian Projections of the Total Fertility Rate for Improvements in Education and Family PlanningDaphne Liu, University of Washington Department of Statistics; Adrian Raftery, University of Washington, Seattle.

3. Do Recent Trends in Total Fertility Mean European Countries and Australia Are Facing Population Decline?Nick Parr, Macquarie University.

4. Age- and Sex-Specific Estimates of Migration Flows in Asia-PacificTianyu Shen, Australian National University; James Raymer, Australian National University; Qing Guan, Australian National University.

5. Future levels of fertility in sub-Saharan Africa: Parity-based projectionsThomas Spoorenberg, United Nations, Population Division; Mathias Lerch, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale De Lausanne (epfl-eth).

6. Integrating expert opinions and data to estimate and forecast international migrationArkadiusz Wisniowski, University of Manchester.

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