1. Excès de mortalité par âge chez les immigrants et les natifs de France durant la pandémie de Covid-19 • Irwin Hecker, Equipe de Recherche en Epidémiologie Sociale (ERES); Didier Breton, Unistra / Ined; Enrique Acosta, Centre for Demographic Studies; Alain Gagnon, Université de Montréal.
2. Empowering the crowd: feasible strategies for epidemic management in high-density informal settlements. The case of COVID-19 in Northwest Syria • Alberto Pascual, ETH Zurich; Jordan Klein, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR); Jennifer Villers, University of Geneva; Eduard Campillo-Funollet, University of Sussex; Chamsy Sarkis, ASML Syria.
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