Monday, December 6 / 14:00 - 15:30 UTC

Session 28
Gender Differentials in Human Capital and Labour Force Participation

Chair: Anne Goujon, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

1. Female labour force participation in sub-Saharan Africa: A cohort analysisAndreas Backhaus, Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), Germany; Elke Loichinger, Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB).

2. Gender wage gap in Brazilian formal labour market: a glass ceiling analysis in leadership positions.Tainá da Silva, No Current employer.

3. Unequal Duties and Unequal Retirement: Decomposing the Women’s Labor Force Decline in Post-Reform ChinaKai Feng, University of Pennsylvania.

4. The motherhood penalty in the Brazilian labor market: an age-period-cohort analysisIracy Pimenta, University of Porto; Simone Wajnman, Cedeplar, UFMG; Gilvan R. Guedes, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais & Indiana University.

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