Friday, December 10 / 10:00 - 11:30 UTC

Session 184
Strengthening the Evidence Base for Inclusive Population Policies

Chair: Julien Koffi, UNFPA

1. Measuring the Invisible: Data and Estimates of the Population Lacking Proof of Legal IdentityRomesh Silva, United Nations Population Fund; Soumaya Taibi, UNFPA.

2. Stable and non-stable momentum of population growth: Examining the dominating effect of younger age-structure over fast fertility decline in Indian statesRaj Kumar Verma, Population Council, India.

3. “Reverse Policies?” Reducing the Legal Minimum Age at Marriage Increases Child Marriage in MaliEwa Batyra, Center for Demographic Studies (CED) and Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR); Luca Maria Pesando, New York University Abu Dhabi.

4. Dynamique du travail des enfants au Bénin : Evidences à partir de la méthodologie des Comptes nationaux de transferts (NTA)Sam Agbahoungba, CREG - LAREG; Latif Dramani, CREG-CREFAT; Camille Guidime, Laboratoire de Recherche en Economie et Gestion (LAREG); Jean Baptiste Oga, Laboratoire de Recherche en Economie et Gestion (LAREG); Barthélémy Biao, Laboratoire de Recherche en Economie et Gestion (LAREG).

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