Country-level patterns in unintended pregnancy and abortion 2015–2019:
a description of country-specific estimates from a Bayesian hierarchical model •
Jonathan Bearak, Guttmacher;
Anna Popinchalk, Guttmacher Institute;
Cynthia Beavin;
Bela Ganatra, WHO;
Ann-Beth Moller, World Health Organization (WHO);
Özge Tunçalp, World Health Organization;
Leontine Alkema, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Facteurs familiaux et individuels associés à la non-utilisation du condom chez les adolescents et jeunes célibataires selon le sexe en Côte d’Ivoire •
Zie Coulibaly, Institut de Formation et de Recherche Démographiques (IFORD).
Do Unintended Births Influence Readiness for Future Use of Modern Contraception among Women in Mexico? •
Fatima Juarez, El Colegio de Mexico;
Cecilia Gayet, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO).
"If I am ready": Exploring the relationships between masculinities, reproductive life-courses, and pregnancy supportability among men •
Joe Strong, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).