1. Analyzing the quality of age reporting from population censuses for all countries of the world: 1950-2020 census rounds • Rafaella de Oliveira Carnevali, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG); Patrick Gerland, United Nations Population Division.
2. A model of age heaping with applications to population graduation that retains informative demographic variation • Dalkhat M. Ediev, North-Caucasian Academy / Lomonosov Moscow State University / International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.
3. A decomposition of sources of change in population size and median age, 1970-2020 • Thomas Pullum, Demographic and Health Surveys Program; Apoorva Jadhav, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
4. Partition Theorem in Populations • Arni Rao, Medical College of Georgia.
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