Monday, December 6 / 8:00 - 9:30 UTC

Session 11
Research Leader Session: Family Planning in India during FP2020: Progress and Lessons for FP2030 (Sponsored by the Population Council)

Chair: Subrato Kumar Mondal, Usaid India
Chair: S. K. Sikdar, Government of India
Discussant: Priya Nanda, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

1. Rajib Acharya, Population Council.

2. Comparative Analysis of Contraceptive use in Punjab and Manipur: Exploring beyond Women’s Education and EmpowermentAnjali Sharma, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS).

3. Ijaya Singh, Achutha Menon Center for Health Science Studies.

4. Ravi Prakash, India Health Action Trust (IHAT).

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