
Our dear children: gender division of market and household work in the low-fertility environment in Poland

Agnieszka Chlon-Dominczak, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Marta Marszalek, Institute of Statistics and Demography, Warsaw School of Economics
Wojciech Latkowski, Warsaw School of Economics

The gender division of market and household work remains unequal across the world. This is related in particular to childcare responsibilities. Therefore, reconciliation of work and family lives and broader engagement of women on the labour market is a challenge. The “incomplete revolution” of responsibilities at the household level result in a persistent gender gap in employment, particularly in the case of women with below higher educational attainment. We analyse the developments of labour market inactivity of women aged 25-49 years due to childcare responsibilities after 2003, including the age, period and cohort effects vis a vis the women’s engagement in the time of work at home. Our analysis shows that since 2004 there is a stall and reverse of the gender revolution in Poland, resulting in reduced labour income, increase time of unpaid work and labour market inactivity of women. The latter is particularly visible after 2015, since the introduction of the conservative government.

Keywords: Gender, Time use surveys, National Transfer Accounts (NTA)

See paper.

  Presented in Session P15.