
Indirect estimation of life expectancy by ethnicity in Chile

Moisés Sandoval, Universidad de Chile
Marcela Alvear, UNFPA

Chile has improved the life expectancy of its population significantly over the last few decades. However, the existence (or not) of differences in life extension according to ethnic origin is unknown. Thus, the aim this paper is to estimate life expectancy at birth for the indigenous and non-indigenous population of the country. For this we use information from the last census (year 2017). The estimation was carried out through the application of the Brass method. With this, infant mortality was obtained and, from that, the relational logit was applied using the west family of the Princeton model life tables. Preliminary results show that indigenous people in Chile live, on average, shorter lives. This is corroborated by the difference of 1.2 years in life expectancy at birth between the two population groups. Our results are the first to establish the disadvantage for the indigenous population in Chile in the expectancy life at birth.

Keywords: Mortality, Inequality, Culture, ethnicity, race, religion and language, Census data

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session 135. Formal Models and Methods for the Analysis of Mortality and Causes of Death