
Social exclusion and self-reported health among elderly in India: An evidence from Longitudinal Ageing Survey (LASI)

Mohammed Illias Sheikh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Amruta Gujar , International Institute for Population Sciences
Babul Hossain, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

The elderly population have been identified as the most vulnerable group for social exclusion. However, different domain of social exclusion has been found to influence quality of life, social and economic wellbeing of elderly, limited study has yet investigated the role of social exclusion on subjective health status of elderly in India. In our study, we examined whether social exclusion shapes the self-reported health status among elderly aged 60 years and above in India using the first wave of Longitudinal Ageing Survey, India. We found that lack of financial resources, social engagement and support to health services were predominant domains responsible for social exclusion. The present study also showed that the probability of reporting perceived poor health status was found to be associated with dissatisfaction with current living arrangement and social engagement domains. The results of the study showed that there is a need to expand the scope of elderly health programs to address the domains of social exclusion and health status.

Keywords: Population ageing, Longitudinal studies, Older adults

See paper.

  Presented in Session 54. Intergenerational and Social Support among Older Persons