
An Exploration of Treatment Seeking Behaviour of Women Experiencing Infertility and Need for Services in Rural India

Shraboni Patra, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Sayeed Unisa, international Institute for Population Sciences

Fertility treatments available to couples are often complex. Some factors influence the treatment-seeking behavior of women. To treat infertility, a wide range of treatment options are available from the traditional and biomedical service providers in India. The present research focuses on the factors, particularly the socio-economic determinants affecting allopathic treatment-seeking of women. Further, the study shows services needed for couples experiencing infertility in rural India. The study is based on primary data. A total of 159 ever-married women (20-49 years) were interviewed. A considerable percentage of the respondent took a long duration of time in realizing the necessity of fertility treatment and spent a long time seeking treatment. Again, few respondents did not receive any kind of treatment due to various reasons. Less waiting time in the CHCs, personalized services, and provision of medical counseling can reduce couples’ suffering in the quest for conception.

Keywords: Fertility and childbirth, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Policy, Demographic and social surveys

See paper.

  Presented in Session 138. Fertility in India: Present and Prospect