
A Capability Approach to Gender Inequality in Reproductive Decision-Making: Case of the Reang Tribe of India

Anindita Sinha, The Icfai University Tripura

Given the perplexing situation of high agency measured along conventional lines and persistently low reproductive achievements among India’s indigenous tribal populace, the present paper is an attempt to understand and examine the determinants of reproductive achievements among Reang community of India within Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum’s Capability Approach framework. The primary objectives of the study are to verify the validity of standard autonomy measures among non- mainstream populations and to analyze the pathways to reproductive capabilities and functioning using the case of the Reangs. This study is based on primary data collected on a sample of 400 women. The data are analysed using structural equation modelling approach to examine the direct and indirect pathways through which resources affect women’s reproductive functioning through their effect on women’s agency variables. Results indicate that proximate measures viz,reproductive autonomy, are better indicators of agency in the reproductive sphere and better predict reproductive functioning (defined as duration of use of modern contraceptive methods) as compared to the conventional measures of household decision-making autonomy and freedom of movement. Among the indicators of reproductive autonomy, freedom from reproductive coercion and spousal communication are most strongly associated with duration of use of modern contraceptive methods.

Keywords: Causal analysis / Causal estimation, Family planning and contraception, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Structural equation modelling

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session P5.