
Alcohol and Tobacco: Use and Co-use in the North Eastern Region of India.

Manali Swargiary, international Institute for Population Sciences

The study focuses on alcohol & tobacco use and co-use among both men and women of the North-Eastern Region of India. Alongside it also investigated the underage use and the pattern of use and co-use in the states of NE India. The study is based on National Family and Health Survey-4(2015-16). The analysis is done using descriptive and bivariate analysis. Both alcohol and tobacco use is higher among men compared to women. The co-use of both substances shows approx. 1/4 of men consume both of the substances whereas women show only 2.3%. Generally, alcohol is popular among younger adults, whereas tobacco is seen among the 45+ age group with co-use among 35 and above age groups. The types of alcohol consumed show that country liquor is commonly used by both men and women which is easily available and produced at many parts of these states as customs. The type of user tells us the majority of the respondents, men & women are light smokers, whereas ¼ of the men are everyday alcohol consumers. Along with alcohol and tobacco use, the co-use of both are also increasing with underage drinking and tobacco use being prevalent in the states of North-East India

Keywords: Gender, Health and morbidity, Culture, ethnicity, race, religion and language

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session P1.