
Trends and correlates of caesarean section births in Jammu and Kashmir

Bashir A. Bhat, University of Kashmir

Cesarean section surgery, when medically indicated can be a life-saving procedure for the mother and baby, but this procedure can also lead to short and long-term health effects for both. Unfortunately, the increasing levels of cesarean delivery rates around the world illustrate that the procedure is not always medically indicated. C-section rates are also increasing in India but there are few States like Telengana and Jammu and Kashmir where more than 40% of births are delivered through C-section. Based on the NFHS Data, the aim of this study is to study the trends and patterns and correlates of caesarean section in Jammu and Kashmir and potential costs if State follows WHO norms. Binary logistic regression is used to estimate the increase in the likelihood of cesarean delivery by various background variables. The study found that higher age at marriage is one of the reasons for increasing C-section. C-Section is high in Kashmir than in Jammu and very high in private facilities. There is not much difference in C-section rates by complications and planned C-sections are very high as compared to emergency C-sections.

Keywords: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session P16.