
Awareness regarding marriage legislation and registration among Indian women

Nutan Kumari, Population Research Centre, Dharwad
Chander Shekhar, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

CRVS is critical for women and children. Even after the enactment of compulsory registration of the marriage Act 2009, over the ten years, the prevalence of awareness about marriage registration is low among women. An awareness of marriage registration and factors affecting done, though little research has been conducted in the context of rural India. This study assessed women's awareness regarding marriage registration. Primary data were collected through mapping and listing in high child marriage districts of Rajasthan in 2019-2020. A total of 150 women have married in the last five years at the time of the survey. Results from the study, Among women, still, twenty percent don't know about legal Age at marriage. Only 40 percent of women know about marriage registration. Knowledge about marriage registration its requirement very low among women. Women with no education have less awareness about marriage registration. Age at marriage and working status play an important role in awareness about registering the marriage. On the other hand, women's Caste, religion, and place of resistance don't have much effect on awareness of marriage registration among women. The government needs to spread awareness, especially among people, and with the help of this, child marriage can decline.

Keywords: Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Culture, ethnicity, race, religion and language, Policy evaluation

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session P2.