
Factors associated with gynaecological morbidities and treatment-seeking behaviour among adolescent girls residing in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, India

Shobhit Srivastava, Project Concern International India

This study aimed to examine the prevalence and factors associated with gynaecological morbidities and the treatment-seeking behaviour among adolescent girls residing in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, India. The study utilized data from the UDAYA survey with a sample size of 14,625 adolescents girls aged 10-19 years. Heckprobit selection model was employed to fulfil the objective of the present study. Overall, about one-fourth (23.6%) of the adolescent girls reported suffering from gynaecological morbidities, and only one-third of them went for treatment. Non-Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (Non-SC/ST) adolescents were significantly less likely to have gynaecological morbidities (ß: -0.12; CI: -0.18, -0.06) compared to SC/ST counterparts, however, they were more likely to go for the treatment (ß: 0.09; CI: 0.00, 0.19). The adolescents who had 8-9 (ß: 0.17; CI: 0.05, 0.29) or ten and above years of education (ß: 0.21; CI: 0.09, 0.34) had higher likelihood of going for the treatment than adolescents with no education. Moreover, adolescents who belonged to rural areas were less likely to go for the treatment of gynaecological morbidities (ß: -0.09; CI: -0.17, -0.01) than urban counterparts. Multi-pronged interventions are the need of the hour to raise awareness about the healthcare-seeking behaviour for gynaecological morbidities, especially in rural areas.

Keywords: Children and youth, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Methodology, Policy

See paper.

  Presented in Session 110. Sexual and Reproductive Health of Young People