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Manas Ranjan Pradhan, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Mahesh Shete, Max Institute of Healthcare Management
Undernutrition is a significant public health problem and the leading risk factor for India's disease burden. This study aims to understand the determinants of nutritional status of under-five children receiving services under Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme. The analysis was carried out for under-five children who have availed of any ICDS services in the 12 months preceding the survey (n=1,27,813) gathered through the National Family Health Survey–4 (2015–16). Stunting, wasting, and underweight were estimated following the WHO guideline and used as the primary outcome variables. The binary logistic regression was carried out to examine the adjusted effect of ICDS utilization and socioeconomic-demographic predictors of under-five children's nutritional status. STATA (V 13) was used for statistical analyses. Of under-five children receiving any ICDS services, 40% were stunted, 22% were wasted, and 37% were underweight. The ICDS has minimal effect on the nutritional status of under-five children. The child's age and gender, maternal education and nutrition status, wealth index of the household, social group, region, place of residence and region were found as significant determinants of undernutrition among ICDS beneficiaries' in the country. Results suggests effective implementation and concurrent evaluation of the ICDS strategies at the regional level.
Keywords: Policy evaluation, Demographic and social surveys
Presented in Session 13. Enabling Children and Adolescents to Realize their Full Potential: What Works and What Does Not?