
Stopping Behavior of Women in India and its Application in Estimation of Total Fertility Rate

Abhay Tiwari, Banaras HIndu University
Shivam Mishra, Banaras HIndu University

The parity specific intention arises only after attaining a marginally acceptable number of children. When the females start child stopping at earlier parities, the overall fertility starts to decline. Hence, the information about the stopping behavior of females is considered crucial in the fertility estimation. The stopping behavior reveals the family formulation of society. One objective the paper is to study the parity specific stopping behaviour of women in India using period parity progression ratio. Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is the most frequently used measure of fertility while accessing the impact of implemented programs. Hence, a lot of direct and indirect techniques are developed to estimate TFR. The stopping behavior provides the proportions of females who stopped childbearing after attaining a specified parity. Based on the child stopping behavior data of females, authors have proposed two predictors (Cumulative proportion of females who have stopped childbearing after achieving parity up to three and Weighted mean of proportions of females who stopped childbearing after achieving specific parity by using current parity as weights) for the estimation of total fertility rate. For this study authors’ have used National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4) and NFHS-1 data.

Keywords: Fertility and childbirth

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session P17.