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Cinzia Castagnaro, Italian National Statistical Institute
Antonella Guarneri, Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT)
Eleonora Meli, Istat
Parenthood represents a crucial stage and one of the most challenging phases of the life cycle. The most recent cohorts are characterized by increasing school leaving age and delayed entry into the labor market and these delays show a strong effect in the postponement of the steps towards family formation. Postponement of childbearing so appears a rational choice to assure a higher educational level and labor market participation, but it also refers to a socio-cultural change of values. The aim of this paper is to explore the transition to parenthood, analysing reproductive behaviors. The delay in childbearing is likely to be the cause for many women to remain childless; as a matter of fact, the postponement at later ages may become a renunciation in having children. A part of childless people chose childlessness (childfree). Using data of “Families, social subjects and life course Survey”, carried out by Istat in 2016, it is possible to shed light on reproductive behaviors and choices, considering the main individual socio-demographic characteristics of people and the crucial steps of their life cycle. In order to study the factors influencing these different paths and family behaviors, the analysis draws differential profiles of parents, childless and childfree people.
Keywords: Demographic and social surveys, Fertility and childbirth