
Application of Network Analysis to Multiple Causes of Death Data in Japan

Futoshi Ishii, Keio University
Reiko Hayashi, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan
Emiko Shinohara, University of Tokyo
Motomi Beppu, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan

As the old age mortality has been improved, main causes of deaths have shifted to chronic diseases that increased the number of people suffered from multiple dis- eases. It has increased the importance of the analysis of multiple causes of death. In Japan, there have been few studies that uses multiple causes of death since that kind of data has just become available in recent years. However, there is a large number of studies on the multiple causes of death in Europe and the United States. Amongst them, Egidi et al. (2018) is a seminal study that applied a network analysis to explore relationships between causes of death. In this study, we analyze multiple causes of death in Japan using network analysis. Moreover, we apply community detection methods used in network analysis for better understanding of complex relationship between causes of death, which is not examined in Egidi et al. (2018).

Keywords: Mortality, Longevity, Health and morbidity, Social network methods

See paper.

  Presented in Session 135. Formal Models and Methods for the Analysis of Mortality and Causes of Death