
How does the households' vulnerability to climate-induced disasters influence women's fertility outcomes and fertility intentions in Bangladesh?

Khandaker Ahmed, The University Of Adelaide, Australia
Yan Tan, the University of Adelaide
Dianne Rudd, The University of Adelaide

Understanding the vulnerability to disasters at the household level and inform approaches to adaptation and mitigation, it is essential considering fertility rates in areas susceptible to climate-induced disasters. Aiming to understand whether the vulnerability to climate-induced disasters at the household level influence women's fertility outcomes (measured as the number of children ever born) and intentions to have additional children, this research conducted household surveys with 544 women (aged 18-49) in flood- and cyclone-affected villages in Bangladesh. The results of the climate vulnerability index reveal that a cyclone-affected village is more vulnerable than a flood-affected village. Comparatively, women living in the flood-affected area had higher fertility outcomes and intentions. We also explored how the households' perceived vulnerability impacts women's fertility outcomes and intentions. Findings confirm that different climate-induced disasters could have differential effects on households, including but not limited to its effect on fertility. Preferring additional children may be a demographic adjustment for vulnerable households to the adverse effects of climate-induced disasters. The findings have implications for recommendations of comprehensive disaster management and family planning programs in Bangladesh.

Keywords: Environmental studies, Fertility and childbirth, Population geography, Comparative methods

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session P6.