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Jeetendra Yadav, National Institute of Medical Statistics (ICMR)
Equity in health care services utilization, access and affordability of healthcare to all is an important goal for any health care systems. Health care seeking behaviour often differs between the poor and rich and such differences create an inequality from both demand and supply side for health care services. Inequities exist in service utilization and financing for health care. We, examine the inequality in utilization of health care services, financial risk protection and also who gets benefits of public subsidies across economic status and epidemiological transition level (ETL) states of India using NSS, 75th round data. We perform the Benefit Incidence Analysis using concentration indices, concentration curve and poor-rich equity ratio. High cost of hospitalization in India, there has been a low utilization of health care services. The burden of disease will severely affect the patients on the one hand it exhausts all their savings for the treatment and on the other hand, as a result of the bed ridden situation, they lose their daily income. Government should strengthen the public healthcare system which should have accessibility and quality of care and further to identify the unmet need of the marginalized communities residing among different geographical regions
Keywords: Inequality, Health and morbidity, Economic analysis, Demographic and social surveys