
Evaluation of the impact of HIV-AIDS prevention programmes on the sexual behaviour of adolescents and young people in Côte d'Ivoire.

Tiassigué KONE, University Alassane Ouattara Of Bouake

The emergence of HIV/AIDS in Côte d'ivoire since the 1980s and its adverse consequences, at the national and community levels, have led the Government of this country to implement, with the support of its international partners, programmes for the prevention of this disease. The principal specific objective of this study is to assess the impact of these programmes on sexual behaviours of young people. We used Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) national data carried out in this country in 1994, 1998, 2005 and 2012. They were analyzed using an impact evaluation method, namely the decomposition method like Eloundou and al (2017). The dependent variable of the study, which considers one of the risk behaviours of individuals, is the non-use of condoms during the last sexual intercourse. The classification variable is the level of education of adolescents and young people, which was subdivided into three groups (no level; primary level; secondary level and above). The expected results would be to see that the change in risk behaviour of adolescents and young people is due to a behavioural effect (positive role of HIV prevention programmes), with a strong contribution from the group with secondary education and above.

Keywords: Health and morbidity, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Family planning and contraception, Methodology

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session P5.