
Maternal Height and Fertility Outcomes: A Poisson Regression Analysis

Brijesh P. Singh, Department of Statistics, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India

Irrespective of the impact of socio-demographic factors on fertility, human biologists are determined to describe the link between fertility differentials and maternal anthropometric character. Fertility and anthropometric character is two distinct phenomena which are linked with various biological, genetic, and geographical factors. Hence, an attempt has been made to establish maternal height as a fertility differential. A descriptive study of some fertility parameters have been done for the females classified on the basis of their height. After obtaining the supportive results, Poisson regression analysis is used to access the risk of getting high number of children ever born among different height groups of females along with some socio-demographic factors. The main finding of the study is that the survival among children of females (height=150 cm) is low which leads them to go for higher number of births. Females (height=150.0 cm) have 4 percent more risk of getting high number of children ever born compared to females (height>150.0 cm). The study depicts a significant impact of maternal height on human fertility.

Keywords: Fertility and childbirth

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session P2.