
Age- and Sex-Specific Estimates of Migration Flows in Asia-Pacific

Tianyu Shen, Australian National University
James Raymer, Australian National University
Qing Guan, Australian National University

Asia-Pacific is a diverse and large population region. Information on the flows of international migration within the region, including their age and sex compositions, is important for researchers and policymakers to understand the impact of migration on population change, employment, education and social developments. However, most countries in this region do not gather or produce flow statistics, and where they exist, there are differences in measurement and data collection procedures resulting in incomparable data. This study extends previous work that estimated the aggregate country-to-country flows for 53 Asia-Pacific populations to include age and sex characteristics. Apart from reported data from a few developed countries in the region, such as Australia and South Korea, age and sex information are inferred from the migrant stock data obtained from the United Nations’ Population Division and flows of foreigners from OECD International Migration database. To estimate the age and sex patterns for each migration corridor, we use a log-linear model to combine the estimates of aggregate origin-destination flows with estimates of the age-sex profiles. The resulting origin-destination-age-sex flows of migration are then presented and assessed. This paper provides a basis for understanding the age and sex dynamics of migration in the Asia-Pacific region.

Keywords: International migration, Age structure, Methodology, Gender

See paper.

  Presented in Session 88. Demographic Trends: Estimates and Projections