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Vladimir Canudas-Romo, Australian National University
Jose Manuel Aburto, University of Oxford
Marius Pascariu, Max-Planck Odense Center on the Biodemography of Aging
The removal of a cause of death can be measured by comparing the life expectancy with and without that cause operating. A more realistic approach is to simply reduce the prevalence of the causes of death. In this study we ask about the possible effects of several reductions in causes of death in the overall life expectancy of a population. We develop an interactive application tool and R-package that allows the user to answer the possible effects of reducing several causes of death at the same time. We present as preliminary results an online application for one population, with the aim of developing an extended tool covering all countries/populations in the world for the IUSSP meeting.
Keywords: Mortality, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Longevity, Decomposition analysis/methods
Presented in Session 135. Formal Models and Methods for the Analysis of Mortality and Causes of Death