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Catalina Torres, Muséum National D'histoire Naturelle
Arianna Caporali, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)
Gilles Pison, Muséum National D'histoire Naturelle
The twinning rate has increased dramatically over the last four decades in many countries. This increase constitutes a public health challenge because multiple babies are more fragile than singleton ones and are exposed to higher infant mortality risks. Thus, following the trends and the spatial variations of twin and other multiple deliveries is valuable and relevant to public health. The Human Multiple Births Database (HMBD) facilitates access to statistics on the annual number of deliveries by multiplicity (singletons, twins, triplets, quadruplets and more) and the annual twinning and multiple rates by country. As of May 2021, the database comprises 14 countries with reliable vital statistics. The data series go back in time as far as possible, depending on the availability of statistics; they start in the 19th century for some countries, until the most recent year available. In the short term, the database will comprise approximately 30 countries. In the long term, we aim to extend its geographical coverage, as the quality of vital statistics improves in other regions of the world. The HMBD is designed for anyone interested in the topic of twin and other multiple births. All data, metadata and other material are freely available at https://www.twinbirths.org
Keywords: Fertility and childbirth, Harmonized data sets, Health and morbidity
Presented in Session 131. Fertility, Fertility Preferences and Contraception: Data and Methods