
Socio-economic pattern of School-life expectancy over the past decade: Evidence from India

Dr. Anita Pal, The INCLEN Trust International
Madhusudan J.V., Central University of Hyderabad
Jeetendra Yadav, National Institute of Medical Statistics (ICMR)

This study calculated the school-life table for children aged 6 to 18 years (Primary to Secondary) and analyses the trends of school-life expectancy (SLE) across Indian states by using secondary data which is obtained from three rounds of the National Sample Survey Organization viz. 64th, 71st, and 75th round. The overall SLE in India had 9.7 years during the year 2007-08 which was increased by 1 year in 2017-18. The southern region had the highest and the central region had the lowest expected year of schooling (EYS) in every year. Most of the states were improving the EYS from 2007 to 2018. The EYS were significantly higher in male, urban children, and increasing monthly per capita expenditure quintile. Also, the gap between male and female EYS was declined by increasing the quintile of MPCE. In rural areas, the gap of EYS between males and females was reduced from the year 2007 to 2018 but in urban areas, the EYS was almost the same in both males and females in the same year. This study concludes that India has still needed to increase the EYS because it plays a vital role in the improvement of the human development index.

Keywords: Children and youth, Mathematical demography, Spatial analysis/regression, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session P6.