
Patterns of subjective well-being (dis-)advantages in Belarus: the intersectionality of partnership, parenthood, gender, and migration

Vytenis Juozas Deimantas, Netherlands Interdisciplinary demographic Institute

Belarus has been subjected to an extensive social change due to the transition from socialist planned economy to the market economy in 1990s. Belarus’ subsequent socioeconomic and political stagnation has created a unique environment in which family plays a significant role in providing well-being. Using the intersectionality approach, the paper focuses on the associations, marriage, partnership, childbearing and categories of (dis-)advantage (gender and early life migration) have with subjective well-being. We use Generations and Gender Survey 2020 data for Belarus and run ordinal logistic regressions with interaction terms between respective family statuses, migration experience and gender to estimate their connection to subjective well-being outcomes (life satisfaction, depression and loneliness). Our findings suggest that a combination of family factors and categories of (dis-)advantage are linked to subjective well-being outcomes more significantly than separate determinants. We also find that migrant women's subjective well-being is sensitive to family statuses and educational gradient.

Keywords: Gender, Family demography, Internal migration, Methodology

See paper.

  Presented in Session 5. Gendered Impacts of Migration and Squatter Living